Phidon Story: Norman McDonough
I have been asked on more than one occasion about my pen and stationery “addiction” and where do I go to get relief. If I count my “clinics,” I have fingers left on one hand. One finger solidly belongs to Phidon in Cambridge. They have been around since 2008, and I don’t remember when I made my first visit. It was for sure many years ago. At the time, I worked in Woodstock and lived locally in the Cambridge area. Someone at work had seen the store and suggested I visit. I was intrigued by the foresight and courage of owners who would open a “pen store” (it is much more than that) in downtown Cambridge. Mano and Baldeep Duggal had both.
I was impressed by my very first visit and the wonder increased every time I went back. What a great layout this store has! It is like being below decks in a ship; it seems everything is here and everything has its place, yet nothing is crowded. What a great neighbourhood it is in. There is parking out front, down the road, up the street. There are bus routes. The location was very well chosen.
Norman’s favourite notebooks, the MacLellan Books Tomoe River grey B6 notebooks, in action! These notebooks are exclusive to Phidon, and Norman has commented in the past about how well the elastic holds up—even when the notebook is stretched to double its original size!
Nothing prepared me, though, for the friendliness of Mano, Baldeep, and their family and staff. There is nothing pushy about them. You will not be forced or cajoled into anything. Whether you are buying an eraser, a pen, some stationery, or a piece of luggage, you will get the same care and attention. They cater to all budgets and all preferences. If you want to try a pen, they will let you do that. If you have never used a fountain pen, they will offer advice after they have had a look at how you write. Every visit is a social visit and you will feel very comfortable.
As time went on, I continued to be impressed at how much Mano and Baldeep would go out of their way to cater to customer needs, whether that was to fulfill a special order, respond to a suggestion or a seemingly strange request (from me), or putting on classes to teach customers pen-related skills. They also get involved in community events.
I no longer work in Woodstock. I no longer live locally. I don’t get to the store nearly as often as I used to or I would like, but Mano and Baldeep do not forget customers or commitments. Here is an example: Phidon has the best paper notebooks, hands down. Believe me, I have tried many from all over. I had asked, no rush, that when a local supplier reprinted a particular notebook I am fond of, if could I have six of them. I would pay for them now. “No, you don’t have to,” I was told.
This would have been pre Covid-19, and I was okay with the expected delay; even with no virus the bookbinder would have to have enough to make a run worthwhile. Regardless, I had a couple of spares. In a world where I cannot get my haircut any more, did my phone not go a few weeks ago and it was Mano. The books were in and we made arrangements for me to get them. That gesture is what Phidon is all about: lovely people, a fabulous store, and service to knock your socks off.
Thanks so much to Norman for sharing his Phidon story with us! It is always a fun and lively interaction with him in the store, and we love having him as one of our Phidon friends. If you’d like to share your Phidon story, please email us at