Celebrating YWCA Cambridge and International Women's Day In Our Community
Kristina (left) Director of Child Care Services, and Kristen (right) WIGG Coordinator outside of Women's International Gift and Gallery (WIGG) down the street from Phidon at 55 Dickson St.. WIGG is apart of YWCA Cambridge and all proceeds from the shop go back into their program and services.
March 8th is International Women’s Day. It is a day that is about raising awareness of gender inequalities all around the world, and pushing for a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. Everyday we hope that we are all fighting for a world of gender equity, for the safety of cis and trans women, girls, and gender diverse individuals, but today is a day in which those conversations and actions should be just that much lounder.
Today, we want to bring attention to an incredible organization doing life changing things, the YWCA Cambridge.
Phidon Pens has proudly become monthly donors to the YWCA, as the work being done has inspired and resonated deeply with Mano, Baldeep, and the rest of the Phidon team. Although Phidons involvement with the YWCA is longstanding, this monthly donation means a commitment to their work and ensures sustainability for their incredible services and programs.
YWCA Cambridge’s mission is to give a voice to the needs of cis and trans women, girls, non-binary and two-spirit individuals through innovative and responsive programs, services and advocacy. The YWCA works with hundreds of women, girls and gender diverse individuals each year and are being the change in the world that we need.
YWCA Cambridge has written a wonderful blog about Mano and Baldeeps involvement in the organization and the community on their website - please keep reading here!
For more information, resources, and how you can contribute too, visit YWCA Cambridge online: https://www.ywcacambridge.ca/
Thank you YWCA Cambridge for the work you are doing in this community and beyond, and it is an honour that Phidon Pens gets to help in your mission!