10 InCoWriMo Prompts for Letter-Writing in 2021


Can you believe that we’re already over a third of the way through International Correspondence Writing Month? InCoWriMo, inspired by National Novel Writing Month, challenges participants to write one correspondence every day in the month of February. Whether you’re writing letters, postcards, or something else, InCoWriMo is a celebration of everything snail mail!

This part of the challenge is likely the hardest to push through — you’ve likely used your initial ideas, but you don’t have the push at the end of the month! Here are ten ideas to inspire you through an InCoWriMo slump.

Write about a happy memory to a childhood friend

With adult lives and responsibilities, it can be hard to keep up with everyone who has made an impact on who we are today. Even if you’ve lost touch with someone who used to be a good friend, it’s hard to know when to make the first move into reconnecting, and messaging someone on social media can be stressful if you don’t know how to reply! Writing a letter to a childhood friend is a great way to remember fun times that you had together, and maybe it will help you start the relationship anew.

Send a letter to a resident at a seniors’ home

Social isolation is hard on us all, and many seniors haven’t seen their families in person in a while. In fact, an article posted a few months ago by the CBC says that seniors’ optimism is especially waning through the second wave in Ontario. By sending a letter to someone who is isolated right now, you can help curb loneliness and make a friend along the way! You can reach out to seniors’ homes in your area to see if they have a pen pal program, or you can join a preexisting program like the ones from CORE Alberta or Jarlette Health Services.

Send fan mail to a favourite celebrity

As trivial as it might seem to write to a celebrity, everyone loves knowing that their work is appreciated! Since there is often little chance of meeting the big A-list celebrities in person, you don’t even have to worry about sounding giddy. What about their work resonates with you? What do you do while you’re appreciating their work? Who knows, you might even get a nice reply!

Write a passage from your favourite book and send it to a bookworm or library

Read anything inspiring lately? Share the wisdom (or silliness, we won’t judge!) with someone who will appreciate it by sending it to a booky friend. Librarians also love getting new book recommendations and bonding over an old favourite, so sending a letter to the library is also a great idea! You might even get a reply with your next great read to add to your reading journal.

Write about your writing routine and send it to a fellow writer

If you ever wonder how other people are writing their correspondences, this is a great way to start that conversation! If you’re using a fountain pen, which nib and ink combination? What’s your favourite letter-writing stationery? Share your love with others for mutual inspiration!

Send a pretty postcard to an artist

Whether you’re sending a postcard to a professional artist who you admire or you’re reaching out to someone picking up a paintbrush or camera for the first time, sharing a piece of art is a great way to inspire someone! Just a small “thinking of you” message on the back is enough to count for the challenge!

Send something messy to a good friend

Here’s a secret: not everything that you send has to look pretty! Give yourself permission to experiment with different pens, inks, washi tapes, watercolours, and more. You can even dab your papers with whatever you have on hand, like purposely adding the infamous coffee-cup stains! Then, you can send your experimental sheet to someone that you can trust. We’re sure that they’ll get a kick out of your fun as much as you do.

Write about your travels to someone who lives there

Many of us had travel goals that had to be put on hold for 2020 and 2021, so it is easy to look nostalgically back on previous adventures and escapades. Maybe you’ve been flipping through old Traveler’s Notebooks and got caught, misty-eyed, on a particular passage. Luckily, you can turn your nostalgia into a writing prompt! If you visited an art gallery and were especially moved by a particular painting, write to the curator about your experience. Loved a specific museum? Write to the directors and tell them why! Have a beautiful picture of a well-known landmark? Send it to the city council and let them know that it had an impact on you.

Write to your favourite small business about what you love

It’s no secret that COVID-19 has had a large impact on many local businesses. Whether your heart lies in an independent clothing store or a Mom-and-Pop restaurant, a heartfelt letter to the owners or staff is a great way to let them know that you care. Even better, you can explain why you love the business so much, and that you can’t wait to come back as soon as you can! You can find a list of our neighbours in Downtown Cambridge here.

Send your letter to Phidon!

No matter what you’re writing, be sure to reserve one of your InCoWriMo days to send Phidon something! We love reading snail mail from our Phidon friends. Plus, every Canadian correspondence we receive this month will be entered to win a InCoWriMo giveaway of a TWSBI Smoke and Rose Gold Eco and letter writing set from G. Lalo. Find out more in our Instagram post!

What are you writing in your InCoWriMo letters? Let us know in comments!